You Shall Love The Lord Thy God…

You Shall Love The Lord Thy God...

The 10 Commandments and the Golden Calf

Exodus 17-20; 32

This week our children are learning about the 10 Commandments and the Golden Calf. After the people had been rescued from slavery in Egypt and delivered from the armies of Pharaoh, God called his people to Mount Sinai to instruct them in how they should live as his chosen people. While they camped at the base of the mountain, God met with Moses and gave him all of the instructions and commandments for the people to follow. These instructions varied from moral codes, how to construct the tabernacle and its furnishings, and the festivals the people would celebrate and the sacrifices they could offer. The 10 Commandments were like an abbreviated summary of how the people should relate to God and to one another. They began with the most basic commands to not worship other gods. Of course the people failed to keep these commands. While Moses is receiving these commands not to worship other gods, the people are at the bottom of the mountain worshiping a golden calf they asked Aaron to make for them. Even though they had previously committed to following God’s commands, while Moses is away from them they make a false god and worship that idol as the one who brought them out of Egypt. God sends Moses back down to them and those who instigated the rebellion against God are judged. Below are some themes and questions that will help you with your Bible discussions this week.

  • Why did God call Moses up on the mountain? God wanted to give his commands for his people.
  • What kinds of commands are in the 10 Commandments? The first 4 commands are about how people relate to God. They are about things like not worshipping other gods or make new gods. They should not misuse the name of God, and they will have to keep the seventh day of the week holy and could not do work on that day. The final 6 commands are about how to treat each other. They are about obeying parents, not killing, not stealing, not lying, and not coveting what others have.
  • Could the people keep the commands? No. No one can perfectly obey the 10 commandments. The point of the commandments is not to make us feel good about being good. They are meant to show us that cannot not do anything good without God’s love and grace for us.


Character Trait: Faithfulness

I always follow God’s commands.

Memory Verse:

Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the Lord!

Psalm 119:1


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