“What You Meant For Evil God Meant For Good…”

What You Meant For Evil God Meant For Good...


Genesis 37; 41-46 

This week our children are learning about the story of Joseph. Joseph was the next to youngest son of Jacob and also his father’s favorite. For this reason he was hated by his older brothers. It did not help matters that Joseph was a gifted interpreter of dreams and interpreted his own dreams to mean that his entire family would one day bow to him. Motivated by their jealousy, his brothers throw him into a pit and sell him into slavery to traveling traders. They show Jacob Joseph’s coat torn and covered in blood, and tell him that Joseph was killed by a wild animal. While Joseph is in Egypt he goes through several cycles of rising from the ranks to gain high status. He is put to work in a high ranking Egyptian’s house named Potiphar where he rises in status among the other servants and is placed over the household. But he is accused by his wife of making advances when he refuses hers. For this he is thrown in jail where again he rises in status among the prisoners and is placed over the other prisoners. When he goes before pharaoh to interpret his dreams he is placed over all of the land of Egypt. In the end his dreams come true when his brothers come for food during a drought. Below are some questions and themes to help with you Bible lesson discussions this week.

  • Why did Joseph’s brothers hate him so much? They were jealous because Joseph was favored by his father, Jacob. They also did not like that Joseph believed that he would rule over them. Rather than trust God, as Joseph did, they took matters into their own hands.
  • How was Joseph faithful while he was in Egypt? He worked faithfully in all of his work. He conducted himself with righteousness in all of his duties. He continued to believe that God would be faithful to his promises to Joseph and to his people.
  • How did Joseph respond when his brothers came to him for food in Egypt? He could have had his brothers thrown into jail. Instead he showed mercy and grace. He knew that even though they wanted to harm him and do evil, God used what happened for good and for the salvation of the entire family.


Character Trait: Righteousness

I do what is right in the sight of God.

Memory Verse:

Blessed are the pure of heart for they shall see God.

Matthew 5:8


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