The Dwelling Place Of God Is With Man

The Dwelling Place Of God Is With Man

The coming of the Holy Spirit and Peter’s Sermon

Acts 2:1-41

This week our children are learning about the gift of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. When the Holy Spirit comes to the followers of Jesus in Acts 2, the people of God are in God’s presence in a way they have never been before. Ever since the Fall in Genesis 3, God has related to his people from distance. Men and women could not be in his direct presence because of sin. But now, with the work of Jesus completed and sin and death defeated, the presence of God can once again be with humans as it was always meant to be. Here are some themes and questions to help you in your discussions this week.

  • Why were the followers of Jesus all locked inside? What were they afraid of? The people were still afraid of the leaders coming after them. Even though he had risen from the dead, Jesus had left and they once again felt alone.
  • What did the Holy Spirit look like when he came to the people locked inside? The Spirit came like flames that rested on everyone in the room. It was a sign that the Spirit was there and with each one in the room in the same way. No one had more or less than anyone else. The full presence of God was with them through the Holy Spirit.
  • What changed when for Jesus’ followers after the Holy Spirit came? They were not afraid anymore. They rushed outside immediately. They could not stay hidden anymore.
  • What did they do when they left their hiding place? They started telling everyone about Jesus. Peter even stood up in front of a huge crowd and told them about Jesus and all that he had done.
  • What was so strange about what Peter said? Even though there were people from all over the world who spoke very different languages, they could all understand what Peter and the other disciples were saying in their own languages.

With the Holy Spirit, Jesus’ followers became bold witnesses.

Character Trait: Truthfulness

I always tell the truth.

Memory Verse: Proverbs 14:5

An honest witness does not lie, a false witness breathes lies


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