Looking On The The Inside

Looking On The The Inside


1 Samuel 16-17; Psalm 23

This week our children are learning about the first great king in Israel, King David. But it is important to remember that David did not start as someone others considered great. He was just a young boy tending sheep when he was first called to be king. Even after being anointed by Samuel to lead God’s people, it would be many years and terrible conflicts before he would take the throne. David was the youngest son of Jessie in the small village of Bethlehem. During David’s lifetime, Saul was king. However, Saul did not remain faithful to the Law of God. So God chose someone with a heart like his own. When Samuel arrived at Jessie’s home, David’s older brothers were presented. They were all tall, handsome, strong, and had many other features people would want in a king. But God rejected each one. When Samuel begins to wonder what God is looking for, God reminds him that while men look on what is on the outside, God is looking at what is on the inside, in the heart of a person. So Samuel asks if there is anyone else. Jessie responds that there is just his youngest son who is watching the sheep, but there was no reason to call him over. David, in his father’s eyes, was not royal material. But God knows that David is just the sort of person he wants. Below are some questions and themes to help you with your Bible discussions this week.

  • What do you think Samuel was looking for when he was sent to Jessie’s house to find the next king for Israel? He was looking for a strong man. Someone who was handsome and someone people would like. He was only looking at the things that can be seen on the outside.
  • What was God looking for in a king for Israel? God was not worried about what was on the outside. He wanted someone who was pure and righteous on the inside. He wanted a person with a heart that was gentle and kind. Someone who loved the Law of God and obeyed it.
  • What do you think most people think is important? What’s on the outside or on the inside? All of us think about what’s on the outside more than we think about what is on the inside. We cannot see into someone’s heart, but we can get to know what is in their heart as we get to know them. It is important for us to know each other the way God knows each of us. He cares about what is in our hearts and we should care too.

Character Trait: Pure Heart

My heart is totally pointed towards God and following his ways.


Memory Verse:

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

Mathew 5:8


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