Imperfect Submission

Imperfect Submission

On my phone, I have a note with numerous quotes that have impacted me in some form or fashion. When I read something that challenges or encourages me, I write it in this note. I was reading through them recently, and one of them has not left my mind for a few days now. It is this:

“The Lord loves us – perhaps most of all – when we fail and try again.” – Emilie Griffin

I believe this has stuck out to me due to how much time I have spent recently reflecting on my past and the journey that led me to where I am today. Since I was 19 years old, I have wanted to be a man of God. I fell in love with Jesus two days after my 19th birthday, and have been trying to grow in that love ever since. I wish I could say I had perfected that love in my life, but I haven’t. I fail to love Jesus daily. However, even in my failures, I never stop trying to love Him more.

The main reason for this continuous striving is similar to what Peter says to Jesus when the crowd begins to leave. Jesus asks Peter and the other disciples if they too wish to leave him, and Peter says, “Simon Peter answered him, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God.’” (John 6:68-69). All believers fail to live and love Jesus perfectly, yet we keep trying because we know there is no greater love to strive for. Jesus is better than anything in this world, and He has saved our souls and given us a precious life of hope and peace with the Heavenly Father. How could we ever stop trying to love Him more?

This week, our Heritage children will learn about submission. When we talk about submission, we usually focus in on obeying the commands of a higher power. This is true and good, but I believe goes deeper than obedience. Anyone can submit to an authority whom they lack love for. But perfect submission to God is powered by love. We will encourage our students to love Jesus more, and in that love, submit to follow his commands. Join us as we pray over these precious children this week. May God plant seeds of heavenly love and salvation within them this week!


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