God’s Place With The Lowly

God's Place With The Lowly

The Announcement of Jesus’ Birth

Luke 1:26-38; Matthew 1:18-25

This week our children are learning about the announcement of Jesus’ birth by the angel Gabriel. It is a story many are so familiar with that it has lost some of its power. Consider for a moment who Mary and Joseph were and would have been seen in their time and culture. Mary would have been a teenager when Gabriel met her. There was nothing about Mary that made her stand out from anyone else. She was poor, not yet married but promised to Joseph, and (it goes without saying) a woman. In the eyes of other people of her time she had very little to offer the world. No one would have noticed her. This is perhaps what made God take notice of her and chose her to be the first to hear his plan to fulfill his promise for a messiah. Not only to hear the first declaration, but to play an integral part.

Also consider Joseph. He too was not anyone of means or stature in his time. He was a carpenter which meant he was most likely poor as well. He was a laborer. The Bible actually says very little about him. He is only mentioned a couple of times in the gospel accounts, and then it is only Matthew and Luke who mention him at all. But he is chosen to be the man who, alongside Mary, will care for the Son of God. Though in the sight of other people they would have been counted for very little, they are entrusted by God to take roles in the climax of his story of salvation. Below are some questions and themes to help you with your Bible discussions this week.

  • How did Mary respond when she saw the angel Gabriel? She was frightened. Anyone in the Bible is described this way when they meet an angel. But Gabriel’s response is also like the responses of every other angel, “Fear not.” He was coming to give her good news and there was nothing to fear from him.
  • When Gabriel tells her she will have a baby who is the Son of God what is her response? She is confused since she isn’t married yet. But she still believes. She does not doubt God can do what Gabriel has described, and she still believes even though she does not understand it.
  • How did Joseph respond when Mary shared her news with him? He thought he could not marry her anymore. But he knew that Mary could get in trouble if they did not marry. So he had a plan to help her stay safe. But before he could do what he had planned, Gabriel came to him in a dream and reassured him God was the one doing all of this. He did not need to worry or be afraid to marry her. God would take care of them. Since Joseph was faithful and, like Mary, believed God’s word, he went ahead and married Mary.

Character Trait: Inner Beauty

I want my heart and mind to be healthy and strong.

Memory Verse:

I praise you God for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Psalm 139:14


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