Fight For Faith

Fight For Faith

Do you have faith in Jesus? Your answer to this question impacts every part of your life. One thing we must be careful of is that we do not limit the effects of faith. It is not just that our faith in Christ saves us from our sins, although that is a tremendous treasure. But that faith spills over into all of life.

Faith drives us to prayer over all decisions, big and small.

Faith helps us to make changes to our lives, because we trust that God is with us always.

Faith helps us learn to forgive when someone has done us wrong.

Faith gives us courage to stand up for what is right, no matter what the consequences.

Even in writing out these few things, it stirs up a passion for Christ within my own heart. If only we could feel these powerful effects of faith all the time! I believe it is possible, but it will not be easy. The Bible clearly teaches us that to maintain a strong faith in God will be a fight. The world will divert your eyes with distractions and trials. Like Peter taking his walk on the water, he had excited faith to step out of the boat, but took his eyes off of Jesus when he saw the big waves.

Every day, you must fight for faith. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus Christ, and let who He is and what He has done strengthen you for what is ahead. He loved you enough to leave heaven and lay down His life to save you from sin. At the beginning of creation, Jesus made the hill that He would one day surrender His life on. He also made the stones that would become the tomb He would leave empty. We can have faith in a God who is alive and loving is every second.


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