Faith Leading To Hope

Faith Leading To Hope

Luke 24:13-34; 24:36-49; John 20:24-29; 21:1-19

This week our children are learning about the risen Jesus going to friends after his resurrection. Here are some themes and questions to consider together with your children this week.

  • After Jesus died on the cross, his followers and friends were very afraid. They locked themselves up in a room with all the windows and doors locked. They were hiding out when Jesus appeared out of nowhere. What do you think that was like for them to see Jesus again after they saw him die on the cross? Were they happy, scared? Were they still sad?
  • Thomas was not there when Jesus first appeared to his disciples. How do you think he felt when the others said they had seen Jesus? He told his friends he would not believe it until he saw Jesus for himself. Why do you think it is hard for some people to believe something they have never seen?
  • After Thomas saw Jesus, do you think he believed? When we believe something without seeing it without eyes it is called faith. Jesus said that there would others who would believe in him without seeing him in person. When he said that he was talking about you and me. Jesus was thinking about you believing in him way before any of us were born.

Character Trait – Hopeful

I believe God will make all things right even when I don’t understand.

Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

Colossians 3:2


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