“Did God Really Say…?”

Did God Really Say...?

Genesis 3

The Fall of Mankind

This week our children are learning about the fall of Adam and Eve. Last week we learned about the creation of the heavens and earth. When God finished creating everything he declared that all of it was good. All of creation existed in harmony in the presence of its Creator. Adam and Eve lived to enjoy the perfect love and kindness of God. All of their needs met. They were given the fruit of any tree in the garden to eat. They were given only one rule not to eat from the tree in the midst of the garden, the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This is when the serpent enters the garden. In Genesis 3 we read how the serpent went to Eve to tempt her to eat from the fruit of the tree of knowledge. After tempting Eve, she takes and eats the fruit, and gives it to Adam who was with her and he ate it as well. Below are some questions and themes to help with discussions this week.

  • When the serpent tempts Eve he simply misstates what God had said and plants doubt in Eve’s mind. Simply saying, “Did God say…?” Just this simple question makes Eve begin to doubt God’s goodness toward her.
  • The serpent also made Eve doubt God’s intentions. “God knows that if you eat this fruit you will be like him, knowing good and evil.” Maybe God was holding something back that was very important.
  • Of course these were lies meant to turn Adam and Eve away from God and his goodness.
  • Why did the serpent want Adam and Eve to believe these lies? Why did he want them to disobey God?
  • What would God do now that Adam and Eve had sinned? Would he just let them live forever in their sin or would he find a way to be with them?

Character Trait: Obedience

I do what I am told without grumbling.

Memory Verse:

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

Ephesians 6:1


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