Changing Power Of God’s Love

Changing Power Of God's Love

Acts 9:1-25

Saul on Damascus Road

This week our children are learning about the conversion of Saul on the Damascus Road. We know from The Book of Acts that Saul was a devoted pharisee and committed to the destruction of the faction started by Jesus. He wanted every Christian put in prison or worse, and the teaching of Jesus ended forever. However, on his way to Damascus to further persecute the church, he is confronted by the risen Lord. Below are some themes and questions to help you in your discussions this week.

  • Who were the pharisees? They were men who had committed themselves to following the Law of Moses. They thought that if they were good that God would accept them not let anything bad happen to them. They thought that Jesus was teaching people a new way the lead them away from God. Saul was so committed to stopping the new teaching of Jesus that he wanted to do everything he could to stop the Christians from spreading the teaching of Jesus.
  • What did Jesus say to Saul when he stopped him on the road? He asked Saul why he was fighting against him. Jesus thought of what Saul was doing as fighting against him because he loves his followers so much.
  • What did Jesus change Saul’s name to? He was known as Paul. He was a new person and now went by a new name. When others met Paul, they expected Saul who persecuted the church. But Paul proved to be the most devoted follower of Jesus who stopped at nothing to tell others the good news about Jesus.


Forgiving: I don’t hold grudges against my friends.

Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

Colossians 3:13b


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