Be Strong And Courageous

Be Strong And Courageous

Joshua and the Conquest of Canaan

Joshua 2 and 6

This week our children are learning about the story of the conquest of the promised land. Just before the people crossed the Jordan River into the land God had promised, Moses died. In his place, God raised up Joshua, the son of Nun, to replace him. Joshua had proven himself to be faithful to hearing and doing the word of God just as Moses had been. He was one of the two spies who had brought back a positive report of the land. He was not afraid of the mighty armies and giants in the land because he believed that God had made a promise that he would keep. He fought the battles the way God commanded too. When they came up against the city of Jericho, they did not attack the way we would expect an army to attack. They took trumpets and the Ark of the Covenant and they marched around the city for seven days. They did not make a plan to ambush or sneak up on the enemy. They simply marched around the walls waiting for the command of the Lord to act. Because they listened to the Lord, they defeated the army of Jericho and took the city for their own. They did not always listen to the word of God or obey his commands. But when they did obey there was not another army who could stand against them. Below are some questions and themes to help you with your Bible discussions this week.

  • What made Joshua a good leader for the people? He believed God. Joshua was a warrior and was mighty, but he knew his real strength came from God and trusting his ways.
  • Do you think it makes sense to attack a city with big walls with trumpets? Of course not. But, they were not really fighting with trumpets. The Lord was with them as they marched and he would defeat Jericho for his people.
  • What does the name Joshua mean? It means “God is my salvation”. There is another important Joshua in the Bible. We don’t know him by his name Joshua, we know his name as Jesus (which is what we get when we translate Jeshua into Greek, then Latin, then English). Jesus is the ultimate savior of his people. He also saves us in a way that we cannot truly understand or in a way that makes sense when we first hear about it.


Character Trait: Courage/Trust

I have strength and will not be afraid to do what is right because God will be with me all of the time.

Memory Verse:

Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9b,c


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